Online Teaching

edX Micro Masters

MicroMasters in Data Science

This MicroMasters program teaches learners about basics of data science using python and Jupyter notebooks, statistics, machine learning, and conducting data-science at scale.

Coursera Specialization

Object Oriented Java Programming: Data Structures and Beyond

This specialization allows learners to go beyond what they’ve learned in introductory courses by learning: object oriented design, basic and advanced data structures, algorithm analysis, testing, how to succeed in a software engineering interview, and more. All the learning takes place in the context of compelling real-world projects.

Co-taught with Christine Alvarado and Mia Minnes.

Coursera Specialization

Object Oriented Programming in Java

This specialization is a collaboration between UC San Diego and Duke University which combines Duke’s excellent courses which introduce programmers to Java with UC San Diego’s follow-on courses where learners dive into object-oriented program design and data structures.