- Beyond the Hype: A Comprehensive Review of Current Trends in Generative AI Research, Teaching Practices, and Tools. James Prather, Juho Leinonen, Natalie Kiesler, Jamie Gorson Benario, Sam Lau, Stephen MacNeil, Narges Norouzi, Simone Opel, Vee Pettit, Leo Porter, Brent N. Reeves, Jaromir Savelka, David H. Smith IV, Sven Strickroth, and Daniel Zingaro. In Proceedings of the 2024 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, December, 2024.
- CS1-LLM: Integrating LLMs into CS1 Instruction. Annapurna Vadaparty, Daniel Zingaro, David H. Smith IV, Mounika Padala, Christine Alvarado, Jamie Gorson Benario, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2024.
- Uncovering Meaningful Computing Contexts for Incarcerated College Students. Emma Hogan, John Driscoll, Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj, William Griswold, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2024.
- In-Person vs Blended Learning: An Examination of Grades, Attendance, Peer Support, Competitiveness, and Belonging. Anshul Shah, Vardhan Agarwal, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter, and Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2024.
- Desirable Characteristics for AI Teaching Assistants in Programming Education. Paul Denny, Stephen MacNeil, Jaromir Savelka, Leo Porter, and Andrew Luxton-Reilly. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2024.
Best Paper Award - A Comparison of Student Behavioral Engagement in Traditional Live Coding and Active Live Coding Lectures. Anshul Shah, Fatimah Alhumrani, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter, and Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2024.
- Re-Instatement of Pell Grants for Incarcerated Students: Implications for CS Education. Emma Hogan, Darakhshan Mir, Andrew Cencini, Keith O’Hara, Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj, William Griswold, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the 2024 on RESPECT Annual Conference, May, 2024.
- Challenges and Approaches to Teaching CS1 in Prison. Emma Hogan, Ruoxuan Li, Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj, William G. Griswold, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2024.
- Applying CS0/CS1 Student Success Factors and Outcomes to Biggs’ 3P Educational Model. Adrian Salguero, Ismael Villegas Molina, Lauren Elizabeth Margulieux, Quintin Cutts, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2024.
- An Empirical Evaluation of Live Coding in CS1. Anshul Shah, Emma Hogan, Vardhan Agarwal, John Driscoll, Leo Porter, William G. Griswold, and Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj. In Proceedings of the Conference on International Computing Education Research, August, 2023.
- The Impact of a Remote Live-Coding Pedagogy on Student Programming Processes, Grades, and Lecture Questions Asked. Anshul Shah, Vardhan Agarwal, Michael Granado, John Driscoll, Emma Hogan, Leo Porter, William Griswold, and Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2023.
- Understanding and Measuring Incremental Development in CS1. Anshul Shah, Michael Granado, Mrinal Sharma, John Driscoll, Leo Porter, William G Griswold, and Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2023.
- Instructor Perspectives on Prerequisite Courses in Computing. Sophia Krause-Levy, Adrian Salguero, Rachel S. Lim, Hayden McTavish, Jelena Trajkovic, Leo Porter, and William G. Griswold. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2023.
- Student Expectations of Tutors in Computing Courses. Rachel S. Lim, Sophia Krause-Levy, Ismael Villegas Molina, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2023.
- An Exploration of Student-Tutor Interactions in Computing. Sophia Krause-Levy, Rachel S Lim, Ismael Villegas Molina, Yingjun Cao and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2022.
- A Demographic Analysis on Prerequisite Preparation in an Advanced Data Structures Course. Sophia Krause-Levy, Sander Valstar, Leo Porter and William Griswold. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2022.
Best Paper Award
- Understanding Sources of Student Struggle in Early Computer Science Courses. Adrian Salguero, William G. Griswold, Christine Alvarado and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on International Computing Education Research, August, 2021.
- The Relationship Between Sense of Belonging and Student Outcomes in CS1 and Beyond. Sophia Krause-Levy, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter and Christine Alvarado. In Proceedings of the Conference on International Computing Education Research, August, 2021.
- A Quantitative Analysis of Study Habits Among Lower- and Higher-Performing Students in CS1. Soohyun Nam Liao, Kartik Shah, William G. Griswold and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2021.
- Experience Report: Designing Massive Open Online Computer Science Courses for Inclusion. Sophia Krause-Levy, Mia Minnes, Christine Alvarado and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2021.
- Live Coding: A Review of the Literature. Ana Selvaraj, Eda Zhang, Leo Porter and Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2021.
- Proficiency in Basic Data Structures among Various Subpopulations of Students at Different Stages in a CS Program. Sander Valstar, Sophia Krause-Levy, Adrian Salguero, Leo Porter and William Griswold. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2021.
Best Paper Award Finalist - Exploring Student Experiences in Early Computing Courses during Emergency Remote Teaching. Mckenna Lewis, Zhanchong Deng, Sophia Krause-Levy, Adrian Salguero, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter and Christine Alvarado. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2021.
- Student Performance on the BDSI for Basic Data Structures. Kevin Webb, Daniel Zingaro, Soohyun Nam Liao, Cynthia Taylor, Cynthia Lee, Michael Clancy, and Leo Porter. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE): Volume 22 Issue 1, March, 2021.
- A Quantitative Study of Faculty Views on the Goals of an Undergraduate CS Program and Preparing Students for Industry. Sander Valstar, Caroline Sih, Sophia Krause-Levy, Leo Porter, and William G. Griswold. In Proceedings of the Conference on International Computing Education Research, August, 2020.
- A Longitudinal Evaluation of a Best Practices CS1. Adrian Salguero, Julian McAuley, Beth Simon, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on International Computing Education Research, August, 2020.
- Using DevContainers to Standardize Student Development Environments: An Experience Report. Sander Valstar, William G. Griswold, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2020.
- Identifying the Prevalence of the Impostor Phenomenon Among Computer Science Students. Adam Rosenstein, Aishma Raghu, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2020.
SIGCSE 2021 Rewind Session for Most Downloaded Papers from SIGCSE TS 2020 - Faculty Views on the Goals of an Undergraduate CS Education and the Academia-Industry Gap. Sander Valstar, Sophia Krause-Levy, Alexandra Macedo, William G. Griswold, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2020.
- The Practical Details of Building a CS Concept Inventory. Cynthia Taylor, Michael Clancy, Kevin C. Webb, Daniel Zingaro, Cynthia Lee, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2020.
- Investigating the Impact of Employing Multiple Interventions in a CS1 Course. Sophia Krause-Levy, Leo Porter, Beth Simon, and Christine Alvarado. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2020.
- Exploring the Link Between Prerequisites and Performance in Advanced Data Structures. Sophia Krause-Levy, Sander Valstar, Leo Porter, and William G. Griswold. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2020.
- A Case Study in Peer Instruction: From University of California, San Diego to the Computer Science Community. Leo Porter and Beth Simon. Chapter 30 in the Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research. Edited by Sally A. Fincher and Anthony V. Robins. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
- BDSI: A Validated Concept Inventory for Basic Data Structures. Leo Porter, Daniel Zingaro, Soohyun Nam Liao, Cynthia Taylor, Kevin C. Webb, Cynthia Lee, Michael Clancy. In Proceedings of the Conference on International Computing Education Research, August, 2019.
- Behaviors of Higher and Lower Performing Students in CS1. Soohyun Nam Liao, Sander Valstar, Kevin Thai, Christine Alvarado, Daniel Zingaro, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2019.
- Paper or Online?: A Comparison of Exam Grading Techniques. Yingjun Cao, Leo Porter, Soohyun Nam Liao, Rick Ord. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2019.
- Exploring the Value of Different Data Sources for Predicting Student Performance in Multiple CS Courses. Soohyun Nam Liao, Daniel Zingaro, Christine Alvarado, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2019.
Best Paper Award - The Relationship between Prerequisite Proficiency and Student Performance in an Upper-Division Computing Course. Sander Valstar, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2019.
- A Robust Machine Learning Technique to Predict Low-performing Students. Soohyun Nam Liao, Daniel Zingaro, Kevin Thai, Christine Alvarado, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE): Volume 19 Issue 3, January, 2019.
- Identifying Student Difficulties with Basic Data Structures. Daniel Zingaro, Cynthia Taylor, Leo Porter, Michael Clancy, Cynthia Lee, Soohyun Nam Liao, Kevin C. Webb. In Proceedings of the Conference on International Computing Education Research, August, 2018.
- Classroom Experience Report on Jigsaw Learning. Soohyun Nam Liao, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2018.
- A Multi-institution Exploration of Peer Instruction in Practice. David P. Bunde, Cynthia Taylor, Jaime Spacco, Andrew Petersen, Soohyun Nam Liao, Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2018.
- Developing Course-Level Learning Goals for Basic Data Structures in CS2. Leo Porter, Daniel Zingaro, Cynthia Lee, Cynthia Taylor, Kevin C. Webb, Michael Clancy. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, February, 2018.
- Achievement Goals in CS1: Replication and Extension. Daniel Zingaro, Michelle Craig, Leo Porter, Brett A. Becker, Yingjun Cao, Phill Conrad, Diana Cukierman, Arto Hellas, Dastyni Loksa, Neena Thota. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, February, 2018.
- Lightweight Techniques to Support Students in Large Classes. Mia Minnes, Christine Alvarado, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, February, 2018.
- Prime+Abort: A Timer-Free High-Precision L3 Cache Attack using Intel TSX. Craig Disselkoen, David Kohlbrenner, Leo Porter, and Dean Tullsen. In USENIX Security 2017, August, 2017.
- Impact of Performance Level and Group Composition on Student Learning during Collaborative Exams. Yingjun Cao and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2017.
- Preparing tomorrow’s faculty to address challenges in teaching computer science. Leo Porter, Cynthia Lee, Beth Simon, and Mark Guzdial. In Communications of the ACM, 60(5),25-27, May, 2017.
- Impact of Class Size on Student Evaluations for Traditional and Peer Instruction Classrooms. Soohyun Nam Liao, William G. Griswold, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2017.
- Micro-Classes: A Structure for Improving Student Experience in Large Classes. Christine Alvarado, Mia Minnes and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2017.
- Evaluating Student Learning from Collaborative Group Tests in Introductory Computing. Yingjun Cao and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2017.
- Lightweight, Early Identification of At-Risk CS1 Students. Soohyun Nam Liao, Daniel Zingaro, Michael A. Laurenzano, William G. Griswold, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Conference on International Computing Education Research, September, 2016.
- Benchmarking Introductory Programming Exams: Some Preliminary Results. Simon, Judy Sheard, Daryl D’Souza, Peter Klemperer, Leo Porter, Juha Sorva, Martijn Stegeman, and Daniel Zingaro. In Proceedings of the Conference on International Computing Education Research, September, 2016.
- Examining the Value of Analogies in Introductory Computing. Yingjun Cao, Leo Porter, and Daniel Zingaro. In Proceedings of the Conference on International Computing Education Research, September, 2016.
- Benchmarking Introductory Programming Exams: How and Why. Simon, Judy Sheard, Daryl D’Souza, Peter Klemperer, Leo Porter, Juha Sorva, Martijn Stegeman, and Daniel Zingaro. In Proceedings of the Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2016.
- A Multi-Institutional Study of Peer Instruction in Introductory Computing. Leo Porter, Dennis Bouvier, Quintin Cutts, Scott Grissom, Cynthia Lee, Robert McCartney, Daniel Zingaro, and Beth Simon. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2016.
Best Paper Award
Recognized as one of the Top Ten Computer Science Education Research Papers of the Last 50 Years
- Impact of Student Achievement Goals on CS1 Outcomes. Daniel Zingaro and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2016.
- Tracking Student Learning from Class to Exam using Isomorphic Questions. Daniel Zingaro and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2015.
- Making the Most of SMT in HPC: System- and Application-Level Perspectives. Leo Porter, Michael A. Laurenzano, Ananta Tiwari, Adam Jundt, William A. Ward, Jr., Roy Campbell, and Laura Carrington. In ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization 11.4, January, 2015.
Presented at HiPEAC 2015.
- Computer Science Concept Inventories: Past and Future. Cynthia Taylor, Daniel Zingaro, Leo Porter, Kevin C. Webb, Cynthia Bailey Lee, and Mike Clancy. In Computer Science Education 24.4, Special Issue: Concept Inventories: 253-276 , 2014.
- Predicting Student Success Using Fine Grain Clicker Data. Leo Porter, Daniel Zingaro, and Raymond Lister. In The 10th Annual International Computing Education Research Conference, August, 2014.
Chair’s Award - Leveraging Open Source Principles for Flexible Concept Inventory Development. Leo Porter, Cynthia Taylor, and Kevin C. Webb. The 19th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2014.
- Peer Instruction: a Link to the Exam. Daniel Zingaro and Leo Porter. The 19th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2014.
- Importance of Early Performance in CS1: Two Conflicting Assessment Stories. Leo Porter and Daniel Zingaro. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2014.
- Peer Instruction in Computing: The Value of Instructor Intervention. Daniel Zingaro and Leo Porter. In Computers & Education, Volume 71, February, 2014.
- The Case for Colocation of HPC Workloads. Alex Breslow, Leo Porter, Ananta Tiwari, Michael L. Laurenzano, Laura Carrington, Dean M. Tullsen, and Allan E. Snavely. In Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience; Special issue on the Analysis of Performance and Power for Highly Parallel Systems, December, 2013.
- Can Peer Instruction be Effective in Upper-division Computer Science Courses? Cynthia Bailey Lee, Saturnino Garcia, and Leo Porter. In ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) – Special Issue on Alternatives to Lecture in the Computer Science Classroom, August, 2013.
- Student Experience in a Student-Centered Peer Instruction Classroom. Beth Simon, Sarah Esper, Leo Porter, and Quintin Cutts. In The 9th Annual International Computing Education Research Workshop, August, 2013.
- Success in Introductory Programming: What Works? Leo Porter, Mark Guzdial, Charlie McDowell, and Beth Simon. Communications of the ACM, 58(8),34-36, August, 2013.
- Evaluating Student Understanding of Core Concepts in Computer Architecture. Leo Porter, Saturnino Garcia, Hung-Wei Tseng, and Daniel Zingaro. In The 18th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2013.
- Peer Instruction in Computer Science at Small Liberal Arts Colleges. Leo Porter, Saturnino Garcia, John Glick, Andrew Matusiewicz, and Cynthia Taylor. In The 18th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July, 2013.
- Retaining nearly one-third more majors with a trio of instructional best practices in CS1. Leo Porter and Beth Simon. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2013.
Best Paper Award - Halving Fail Rates Using Peer Instruction: A Study of Four Computer Science Courses. Leo Porter, Cynthia Bailey Lee, and Beth Simon. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2013.
- Peer Instruction in Computing: The Role of Reading Quizzes. Daniel Zingaro, Cynthia Bailey Lee, and Leo Porter. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March, 2013.
- Fostering Creativity in CS1 by Hosting a Computer Science Art Show. Leo Porter and Beth Simon. ACM Inroads 4, 1 , March, 2013.
- Peer Instruction: Do Students Really Learn from Peer Discussion in Computing? Leo Porter, Cynthia Bailey-Lee, Beth Simon, and Daniel Zingaro. In The 7th Annual International Computing Education Research Workshop, August, 2011.
- Experience Report: A Multi-classroom Report on the Value of Peer Instruction. Leo Porter, Cynthia Bailey-Lee, Beth Simon, Quintin Cutts, and Daniel Zingaro. In The 16th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2011.
- Fast Thread Migration via Cache Working Set Prediction. Jeffrey A. Brown, Leo Porter, and Dean M. Tullsen. In Seventeenth International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, February, 2011.
Best Student Paper Award
- Experience Report: CS1 for Majors with Media Computation. Beth Simon, Paivi Kinnunen, Leo Porter, and Dov Zazkis. In The 15th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2010.
- Mapping Out a Path from Hardware Transactional Memory to Speculative Multithreading. Leo Porter, Bumyong Choi, and Dean M. Tullsen. In The Eighteenth International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, September, 2009.
- Creating Artificial Global History to Improve Branch Prediction Accuracy. Leo Porter, and Dean M. Tullsen. In Twenty-Third International Conference on Supercomputing, June, 2009.
- Accurate Branch Prediction for Short Threads. Bumyong Choi, Leo Porter, and Dean M. Tullsen. In Thirteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, March, 2008.